Terms of Service

Terms of ServiceBy buying/trading/otherwise receiving or giving art with me you agree to my terms of service and agree to any consequences breaking it may cause.
I reserve the right to refuse service for any reason at any time. I reserve the right to decline commission requests. I reserve the right to quit a piece if I deem I am being scammed/customer is rude/ I cannot complete a piece due to unforeseen personal conflicts. Only will I refund for the last scenario. No refunds for adopts/premade designs. I highly encourage not to resell my designs for lower. Do not claim my designs as your own. Do not trace or heavily reference my art. Do not back out of payment, make sure you are able to fully pay at any time during the creative process. I will not buy, sell, or discuss with anyone who makes or owns NFTs and these people are not allowed to own any of my art/characters and/or make NFTs with them. Breaking any of these terms will make you blocked/put on a blacklist.
You must have a toyhouse to buy designs, customs, adopts, commission me, or otherwise receive art from me in any form. This helps me track who has what and where things go

Art SubjectsWill Do:
Furries, Animals, MLP, Dragons, Humans-Humanoids, Kivouachians, OCs/Fanart, Gore, SCP
Will Not Do:
NSFW, Self harm, Political art, Robots/machines
I reserve the right to only draw what I am comfortable with, if you are curious if I will draw something please ask politely and I will answer when I can. I will not tolerate being harassed with messages, especially about what I will and won't draw, and this behaviour will be met with blocking/blacklisting